Thich Nhat Hanh in Vietnam: Mindfulness Meditations for Arriving Here & Now
Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Photography & Video
Thich Nhat Hanh in Vietnam: Mindfulness Meditations for Arriving Here & Now Details
The photography in this calendar is spectacular; I look forward to seeing more from Kate Cummings. I have flipped through all the months and I can't decide which I like the best: e.g., the bowed heads of January, Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) sipping tea (July), the lone monk on the beach (November) or the cover shot (December).The images are even more beautiful knowing what surrounded them. This was Thay's first return to Vietnam since the 1960's, and the trip was an immense political and logistical effort. Once admitted to the country, the government was still distrustful of him and his supporters. But of course, there were no such motives to be worried about, and Ms. Cummings has captured the pure joy of various moments during the trip.Each month contains a simple meditation, as well an excerpt from Thay's writings. The calendar marks dates for holidays in many spiritual traditions.