Mastering the Nikon D7000
Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Photography & Video
Mastering the Nikon D7000 Details
From the Author I want to thank everyone who has purchased Mastering the Nikon D7000. I have spent a great deal of time--along with the NikoniansPress/Rocky Nook publishing team--to give you a quality reading experience that will help you master your chosen Nikon. Inside each book is a link to my personal website and email contact address. I encourage you to contact me when you have deep questions that you would like to investigate. Often, I have had the same question and may have an answer already prepared. If not, and your question is one that others may have, I am quite willing to research and find an reliable answer. Maybe your question will contribute to the next book I write? I hope you enjoy your new camera and the book that will help you master it. Let's keep learning together! - Darrell Young, August 15, 2011 Read more About the Author Darrell Young (DigitalDarrell) is a professional nature photographer and an active member of Nikon Professional Services (NPS), Professional Photographers of America (PPA), and North American Nature Photographer's Association (NANPA). He's been an avid photographer since 1968 when his mother gave him a Brownie Hawkeye camera. Darrell has used Nikon cameras and Nikkor lenses since 1980. He has an incurable case of Nikon Acquisition Syndrom (NAS) and delights in working with Nikon's newest digital cameras. Living in the foothills of Great Smoky Mountains National Park has given him a real concern for natural environmental issues and a deep interest in nature photography. He loves to write, as you can see in the Resources area of the community. He joined the community in 2000 and his literary contributions led to an invitation to become Founding Member of the Nikonians Writers Guild. Read more
After ten years of shooting photos with my previous camera I finally decided to upgrade to something more modern. In my browsing this was recommended as a companion product. After previewing the sample pages I decided it would be worthwhile................And indeed it is......I have already learned so much from this book and I also joined the user group moderated by the author of this book. It is detailed and gives extensive photos to back up the print.I would highly recommend this author to anyone with a Nikon camera.........there are numerous issues there is probably one keyed to your specific camera.